Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Answers are on them.


Saturday, September 25, 2010
End of Year Examination for year 2 history

Date : 4th october 2010
duration : 2hrs

Section A: SBQ (22 marks)
a) Inference - 5 marks
b) Reliability - 7 marks
c) All sources - 10 marks

Section B:  Essay questions (28 marks)
` 1 SEQ - 13 marks
` 1 thinking questions - 15 marks

Topics Covered:
- February & November 1917 Russian revolutions
- 1911 Chinese Revolution & aftermath

This is what I know from the rest of the class, does who don't know please take a look and jiayous for revision. :)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Algebraic Formulas
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a-b) 2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
(a+b)(a-b) = a2-b2

Linear Graphs
y = mx + c
m = (y^2-y^1)/(x^2-x^1 )
c = y intercept

Pythagoras Theorem


Quadratic Curves
y = ax2 + bx + c
c = y intercept

When a is +(positive), curve will be 
When a is – (negative), curve will be 

Volume of Pyramid : ⅓ x Base area x Perpendicular Height
Surface area of Pyramid : Sum of all the sides of a pyramid.
Volume of Cone : ⅓ x Base area x Perpendicular Height
Surface area of Cone: π x r x Slant height + πr²( base, If needed
Volume Of Sphere : ⁴⁄₃ x π x r³
Surface area of Sphere : 4 x π x r²
Volume Of Hemisphere : ²⁄₃ x π x r³
Surface are of Hemisphere : 2 x π x r² + πr² ( base , if needed. )
Volume of Cylinder : π x r² x h
Surface area of Cylinder : π x 2r x h

sin ℓ = opposite/hypotenuse
cos ℓ = adjacent/hypotenuse
tangent = opposite/adjacent

Opposite – The line that is opposite of the angle, perpendicular to the Adjacent line.
Adjacent – The line that contains the 2 angles, the right angle and the given angle, perpendicular to the Opposite line.
Hypotenuse – The slanted line.

If m and n are intergers.
Where a
a^(m )× a^n = a^(m+n )
a^(m )÷ a^(n ) = a^(m-n)
〖(a^m )n = amn
am × bm= (a × b)m
am ÷ bm = ( a/b )m
a0 = 1

Try to decipher it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ok, Class.

We have another homework. Check your inbox, Ms Wing should have send you an email about the homework. I will put it here just in case.

For ALL Year 2 classes:

To prepare for your History End-of-year exams,

Please do a mindmap/graphic organiser on the following-

Compare & contrast the reasons for the November 1917 Russian revolution & the 1911 Chinese revolution.

Be prepared to present your mindmap/graphic organiser when school reopens.

History Reps, please make sure everyone in your class knows about this assignment; it is very useful for the End-of-year exam.

All the best with your revision! =)

Ok, so here's the message. Please do it. :)

Lang Arts Reader response x2 (Both)
Lang Arts Comprehension
Maths revision 2,3
Maths Assignment
Chemistry Exam Paper 2008 and 2009
Chemistrl Assignment 2
Physics Exam Paper 2008 and 2009
100 生词
少年文摘 Pg 32-33 & Pg 50-51
Geography Worksheet
History Mindmap
The new list of homework.


Friday, September 3, 2010
Hey 2L, here is the list of homework for this September holidays.

  1. Lang Arts Reader response x2 (Both)
  2. Lang Arts Comprehension
  3. Maths revision 2,3
  4. Maths Assignment
  5. Chemistry Exam Paper 2008 and 2009
  6. Chemistrl Assignment 2
  7. Physics Exam Paper 2008 and 2009
  8. 100 生词
  9. 少年文摘 Pg 32-33 & Pg 50-51
  10. Geography Worksheet
15 homework in total. 

Good luck for mugging your exams and enjoy the holidays! :D


Monday, June 28, 2010

So here is the timetable, click it to enlarge it. :)


Friday, June 25, 2010
Hey 2L, here's the schedule for SYF Opening Ceremony - RVHS Mass Display. 

Please take note, print it out if you need it. If you can't save the image, please ask me.  :)


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is the buttons position. You are facing the north direction. 
Next, this is the hand position. I have coloured the fingers with the light colour so you can remember better which light is on by which hands finger. 
Red- Right Index Finger
Green - Left Middle Finger
Blue- Left Index Finger

In case you have forgotten the position of the switch when is on or of here is the animation of it. 
Please inform me immediately if I did it wrongly.

Animation of when you on the red switch.

Animation of when you on the blue switch.

 Animation of when you on the green switch.

Animation of when you on the red & blue switch. Result is the Purple light.

Animation of when you on the green and blue switch. Result is the Turquoise light.

Animation of when you on all the switches, red, green and blue. Result is the White light.

Now, the formations. Please take note when you are suppose to off the light and which colour it is.

Canon down(starting from YeCheng all the way down to 2I) - Off.
Canon Up(starting fron 2I all the way back to YeCheng) - On GREEN LIGHT
When running off to Formation 2- Off the light.

Formation 2, after the actions like the clapping. You will have to be prepared to on the lights, and the speed is fast.
Canon kneel(when you kneel after the actions)- Blue
Canon Up(stand up)- Purple
Open lines(2 to 4 lines)-White
Canon down ( after you raise your hands)- Blue
Canon up(prepare to run to formation 3)- Purple
Running off to formation 3- Off

Formation 3, on the turquoise light when you get into the circle.

Formation 4- Remain the same color(Turquoise)
When you run to Formation 5, turn it off.

Formation 5.
When you are in the block, jogging on the spot. No light should be on.
When you turn to your left and run to compress with another class, don't turn on your light yet.
Canon down(starting from the class in front of us to 2I)-Green
You will then do some actions.
Spread out(run back your original position)- Still green
Kneel down-Turn it OFF
Stand up- Red
Down- Purple
Up- Red
You turn around 180 degrees, to compress again.
Canon down(starting from the class in front of us to 2I)-Green
Stand up and prepare to run off to Formation 6.
 Your light still should be green

From the blocks of Formation 5, you run to the hand position. The Green light is still on.
Canon Down(starting from the first person of the class line, WeiNa, to the last person of the class line)- Blue
Canon Up(starting from the last person of the class line to the first person of the class line, Wei Na)- Purple

Ok, that's all I have here. If there's any mistakes please tell me. If not please please remember so on the 18 we won't disappoint 苏老师. 


Wednesday, May 19, 2010
heyhey 2L!

good job for just now's YOG captains' ball match!

champions ftw! :D awesome!! may this beautiful class memory be etched in our minds for as long as possible, yeah! (: JIAYOU! ♡ ♡ ♡

ohh, and tmr is the class conference thing.

for the sake of our year 2 life in rivervalley, let's all hope that everything will turn out perfectly alright and we, 2L'10, can be united and bonded forever, even if we part each other at the end of this year.. ):

and if the chairpersons are really gonna change, may the class respect and accept him/her and cooperate to make our class WONDEFUL! :D

we must believe that we can do it, and we know that we can!

rmb, this is the very final year we're gonna remain together as one 2L 2010. time cannot be rewinded so treasure every moment together! (:

I LOVE 2L'10!!! ♥♥♥

Friday, May 14, 2010
All are to stay back on this coming thursday(20/5/2010) no matter what.
If u don have a valid reason, u better keep yourself in class.
To those who are still as ignorant as darren..
Thinking that it was YuanCheng and I that cause the "downfall" of the chairpersons.
Then let me help u get this right.
We all want to quit. Cause we want to give u all the rights to control the class.
Yeah. You all were right.. we are idiots who can't control the class.
You like to say that YuanCheng and I abuse their chairpersons' authority because we're their friends.
Well.. let me tell u this. We're not. Cause you all just don't listen to them
Since when u all quietly listen to wad they have to say?
Just reflect on yourselves. Like seriously THINK.
so all MUST stay back on thursday and get this over with once and for all.

Those who still don't believe that Valerie and Genevieve voluntarily step down, pick up the courage and ask them. (YuanCheng)